K-12, STEM and STEAM applications are accepted year-round from Seventh-day Adventist Conference- or congregation-sponsored K-12, primary, middle or high schools. APPLY NOW
Please carefully read through these guidelines before submitting a grant application. A request for needs not within these guidelines may be found ineligible without further explanation. If you are inexperienced at applying for grants you are encouraged to review Resources for Grant Writers before applying.
Versacare Foundation is an independent, private foundation which supports requests for programs and projects that are consistent with Versacare’s Mission and the Mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. At the discretion of the Versacare Board, a select few projects outside Versacare’s core mission focus may also be funded.
The Versafund Grant Program offers three levels of potential funding.
- Catalyst Grant: $2,500 to $10,000
- Venture Grant: $10,001 to $40,000
- Impact Grant: Over $40,000
Applicants are encouraged to apply for Catalyst or Venture grants. The Impact Grant is offered by invitation to applicants implementing proven successful practices as well as organizations demonstrating creativity and innovation in the delivery of services that meet the needs of individuals or groups.
Which grant is appropriate for your organization?
Catalyst Grant
- Your program needs a financial boost
- You are applying on behalf of a K-12, elementary, middle or high school
- If this is your first time ever applying for a grant, you are encouraged to apply for a Catalyst Grant
Venture Grant
- Your program has clearly stated goals and objectives
- You are able to provide objective assessments of your project or program
- Your finances demonstrate financial stability
Impact Grant
- Invited to apply after a successful Concept Note
- Your program implements proven successful practices
- Your program demonstrates creative and innovate delivery of services that meet the needs of individuals or groups
- Your organization has outside partners
Please review the description and the required information for each grant before starting the application. If the application is on behalf of an Adventist Conference or congregation sponsored K-12, primary, middle or high school please use the Catalyst Grant portal.
If the school has three classrooms or less it qualifies for a $5,000 grant, if four classrooms or more it qualifies for a $10,000 grant. Schools are eligible for funding once every three years. STEM grant requests require a board approved technology plan to be considered for funding.
July 1 | Online application portal opens |
October 31 | Submission deadline for Impact Grant Concept Note; not applicable to Catalyst Grant and Venture Grant programs |
December 31 | Midnight application submission deadline for all grant programs; application portal closes |
April | Decision notifications sent |
The following are eligible to apply:
- Faith-based organizations and other non-profit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organizations
The following are not eligible to apply:
- Individuals
- Individuals or organizations applying through a third party, fiscal sponsor, or agent
- Organizations that have not been in existence and continuous operation for the two years immediately preceding the application deadline. This two-year requirement refers to operational status and not when the organization was incorporated or received nonprofit, tax-exempt status
Late, ineligible, and incomplete applications will not be reviewed.
Geographic Priorities: Versacare Foundation places priority on funding projects located or doing work in territories within the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists and the Inter-American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, which include:
- North America
- Central America
- Caribbean Islands
- Colombia
- Venezuela
- Micronesia
Project Priorities: Versacare Foundation funds projects that address the following needs:
- Church community engagement
- Disadvantaged or underserved communities
- General education and science education
- Health and wellness
- Humanitarian efforts
- Social justice
- Women and children’s efforts
- Youth and young adults
Click here for a complete list of recently-funded projects.
Project Exclusions: Unless prior approval is obtained from Versacare Foundation or the need is deemed essential to allow the project to become fully developed, Versacare does not fund:
- Capital improvements, including new construction and renovations.
- Church- and school-sponsored mission trips
- Debt reduction
- Payroll and salaries
- Purchase of perishables and consumables
- Scholarships
- Start-ups
- Sub-granting or regranting of Versacare Foundation funds
- Summer camps, day camps and related programs
If you are an Adventist affiliated primary, secondary or K-12 school you are eligible for a $5,000 grant for schools with three or less classrooms and $10,000 for schools with four or more classrooms. Please use the Catalyst Grant application for your request.
For Further Assistance
If more information relating to the above criteria is needed, please contact us.