Application Review


Prior to the grant award board meeting, the applications are screened for eligibility and summaries of all eligible applications are prepared for the Board to review. The summaries for the Board include information on the applicant’s past history with Versacare (if any) and additional information about the applicant that Versacare’s administrators believe may be useful to the Board.

The Board members then individually rate each application based on the Review Criteria, which is as follows:

  1. Whether the application meets Versacare guidelines;
  2. Innovation and creativity;
  3. Strong mission component;
  4. Number of people reached or impacted;
  5. Viability of project

The rating sheets are consolidated into a master list, with all of the applications for that year ranked from first to last according to the combined scoring from all Board members.

At the grant award board meeting, the Board members are given the master list of applications for that year, ranked according to the individual Board member ratings. Discussion and voting on each grant application takes place until all available funds have been designated.

The Board then votes on funding amounts for all grants and directs the President to notify the applicants whether their grant was funded and to issue checks for the funded grants. Checks typically are issued and mailed within 30 days of the grant award meeting.